About the Old Guard of Princeton, New Jersey
Established in 1942, The Old Guard of Princeton, New Jersey, is an independent organization of men and women, retired or semiretired, who have attained the age of 60 and who reside in or near the town of Princeton. Members meet on Wednesday mornings from September to May to hear speakers in diverse fields. The purpose of the organization is to provide its members with an opportunity to enjoy good fellowship, preserve mental alertness, and maintain a lively interest in the arts and sciences as well as in community, national, and world affairs.
Membership is by nomination by current members. To nominate a candidate for membership, a member/proposer contacts the Membership Chair ([email protected]) for information about the procedure to be followed and documents required to be completed. Acceptance as a new member requires a vote by the members.
Membership is by nomination by current members. To nominate a candidate for membership, a member/proposer contacts the Membership Chair ([email protected]) for information about the procedure to be followed and documents required to be completed. Acceptance as a new member requires a vote by the members.